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Plot and labels


Labels are used to mark points in a spectrum, e.g. a peak. They have no effect to any operations in TV.

Labels consist of an info string and a position on one axis of a spectrum. The info string is normally generated automatically by TV and contains the energy (calibrated or not). Labels allow the user to define an own info string. The position may be on the x-axis (labels and vertical markers) or on the y-axis (horizontal markers). The position of the info string on the other axis is calculated by TV.

You can set labels for peaks, fits and cuts as well as user markers whereat you can define any combination of the calibrated and uncalibrated position and the info string to be printed. You define a label with the command (which takes a position as argument by default):

tv > label user enter {cursor | value | offset}

The combination of data to be printed at the label can be defined with the following command where pairs of arguments function like switches. For example calibrated switches the printing of the calibrated position on while nocalibrated turns it off.

tv > label {cut | fit | peak | user} {libr | cali | noca | unca | noun | stri | nost}

You can manage several labellists at once. The commands for creating a new labellist and activating an existent one are:

tv > label user create < title >

tv > label user activate < title >

You can use labels to mark peaks in plotted spectra. To mark a peak with an arbitrary string the following command is used:

tv > label user enter < position > < colorindex > < ''string >

The colors are given in table 4.4.    

Table 4.4: Colorindices for labels.
Colorindex Color Colorindex Color
  yellow 7 pink
1 magenta 8 MediumOrchid
2 red 9 seashell4
3 blue 10 firebrick
4 white 11 LightSlateBlue
5 wheat 12 aquamarine
6 cyan 13 ... yellow

Sometimes markers are disturbing in printouts. Therefore they can be switched off and turned on with the following commands:

tv > window hide labellist user

tv > window show labellist user

Since you want to plot paned windows sometimes and the simple window named plot has one frame only you can change the frame widths of the window panes. For example create a paned window with three frames, move the cursor to the upper frame and enter:

  tv > window setup frame width 9 9 3 0

Then move the cursor to the center pane and enter:

tv > window setup frame width 9 9 0 0

And finally move the cursor to the bottom pane and enter:

tv > window setup frame width 9 9 0 3

Then you can plot your paned window with inscriptions at the y-axes as usually.

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Andreas Fitzler